Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sleep Over at Grandma and Papa Grimm's House

Good Morning! 
Hanging out on the couch in her PJ's probably watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV...
boy, grandma is a real spoiler! :)

Doing a little yard work...
and helping with the watering.

Time for a quick jell-o break!
Ahhh...then it's time for the real fun!

Hey, this hat can hold water!

I don't think Grandma was too excited to get wet by a hat full of water...
but Sophia can do no wrong in Grandma's eyes!

Trying on Grandma's visor...Watch out Grandma!
Playing a little tune to wrap up the day.

Thanks for a fun sleep over Grandma and Papa!

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