Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, July 25, 2011

Our Drive Around the Lake

We spent a day driving around the lake; 
stopping to take in the the scenery and fresh air.

Emerald Bay 

Looking out over the was super windy! 

The melting snow was responsible for this gorgeous waterfall!

I think we have a hiking enthusiast on our hands!

We stopped at Sugar Pine Cove for lunch 
and were greeted by a Stellar Jay...although I think 
he was more interested in what we were eating!
Sophia did some exploring and found an awesome stick! 

What a beautiful spot! Daddy and Sophia dipped 
their toes in a very cold Lake Tahoe. Brrr... 

East side of Lake Tahoe

The sun is getting lower in the sky... 
...and Sophia has had all that she can take for the afternoon.

Once we got back at to cabin, the kids went out back for some fun.

Uncle Joe and the kids were very good hosts all week! 

Another relaxing evening lounging in the hammock...ahhh.

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