Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Griffith Park ~ Pony and Train Rides

We spent the morning at Griffith Park 
riding the ponies and the train!
It was Sophia's first ride on a pony!

Waiting patiently with Daddy in line for the next train...

All aboard!

Weeee......Choo, choo!

Another quick pony ride with Daddy before we leave.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Our Drive Home Down Hwy 1

Our vacation was coming to a close...we drove down Hwy 1 
for part of the ride. It has to be one of California's most 
scenic drives...the pictures don't do it justice.

The bridges and coast line was just gorgeous!
We stopped a few times to stretch our legs. 
Sophia loved sitting on the huge boulders that overlooked the ocean.

We ran into a few new friends...Elephant Seals!


Morrow Bay...that's one big rock!

Sophia was at the end of her patience with all this driving 
(backpack on head), but we made it home with only minimal fuss.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Half the fun was walking to the aquarium...
 Sophia made a new friend along the way.

Sophia had a huge wide-eyed expression when we entered 
the aquarium. She immediately opened her arms towards the 
life size whales and dolphins hanging from the ceiling. 
What an amazing feeling as a parent to see your child 
experience something so awesome for the first time.

Daddy introduced Sophia to a few stingrays.

Sophia got an up close look at a friendly fish...
I think he was looking for a snack.
The touch pool was super cool! 

The wave simulator didn't really make a splash with Sophia.
She's not a fan of loud noises.

It was a gloomy day, but the bay was so beautiful. 

This furry guy was the center of attention at the sea otter exhibit.

The best part was that Sophia was able to get right up 
to the tanks and see the animals at her eye level.

Mommy was pretty amazed as well!
At the sea turtle exhibit, Sophia decided she wanted to 
get behind the lense and do the video taking herself!

Sophia had more fun on our walk back to the car!
What a quaint little town...I wish we had more time to 
browse through the shops...maybe on our next visit.
From the aquarium, we took a drive down the coast along the 
famous 7 Mile Drive through Pebble Beach.

The golf courses were beautiful and we ran into some 
deer who seemed to enjoy their time on the green too.