Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, May 4, 2012

Playgroup at the LA Zoo

 We met for playgroup at the LA Zoo. I just love to watch 
Sophia's face light up every time she sees a different animal!
Whoa! Pretty cool seal! 
Sophia and Austen were mesmerized by how big it was!

Sophia and Charlie made some new reptile friends at the Lair.

 Austen, Jack and Sophia were fearless!
That lizard looked like he wanted to take a bite out of them! 

Stopped to say hello to the alligator...

Then got up close and personal with the orangutans!

After a quick snack, we headed over to see the elephants!

We visited with the giraffes before leaving...
all the kids were so thrilled to see the animals!

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