Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday with Family

We had Easter breakfast at Nana and Baba's 
house with Uncle Joe and Sophia's cousins.
A quick pic before all the festivities began! 

The kids enjoyed going through their 
baskets first thing in the morning!

Hey, that squirrel is eating our Easter eggs!

Nana had Easter baskets for everyone! Lots of goodies! 

Annabella and Sophia showed off their bunny faces!

The hunt was on!

Whoa! Look at the big Mickey Mouse 
Easter basket Uncle Joe got me!
That silly Easter bunny hid eggs on the door handle
and in the wheels of the car!

Ooo...which one is for Baba?

Baba and the kids hamming it up on the porch.

Bubble fun!

Then we were off to Grandma and Grandpa Grimm's 
for Easter dinner. Uncle David and Daddy 
were getting ready for the egg hunt!

Wow! All these eggs just for me!?

Sophia admired the spring flowers in grandma's garden.

So many eggs! 47, 48, 49...
Happy Easter!

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