Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmastime at Disneyland

 Sophia took Daddy to Disneyland today to take in all 
the Christmas decorations and to have some fun! 

Sophia got some hugs in with Chip and Dale. 

That's one big Christmas tree! 

Ugh...these things won't budge!

Sleeping Beauty's castle was decorated so beautifully!

Sophia took Daddy on the Dumbo ride and the carousel.
We even saw Santa Claus in the Christmas parade!

Sophia met some of the princesses up close!

Is that Princess Sophia on that throne?!

Sophia learned how to dance just like the princesses!
One last ride before we left...

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