Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

We began our Christmas morning at home...
Santa brought Sophia an awesome princess bike!

I'm a princess! I'm a princess!

Then it was off to Baba and Nana's
house for breakfast and more presents!

Sophia opened presents with her 
cousins Annabella, Anthony, and Leo!

This is soooooo awesome! I love Christmas!

Sophia gave Auntie Wendy a picture of her and Annabella.

What did you get Baba and Nana? Whoa! A Mickey Mouse!

Leo showed off a picture of all the cousins...very cute!

After a long and festive morning, we headed east to 
Grandma and Papa Grimm's house for dinner and MORE presents!
Look Daddy! It's a doll house from Grandma and Papa!

I'll help you Uncle David! What did you get?

I'll help you too, Grandma and Mommy!
Needless to say, Sophia was a big help on Christmas!

Thank you for all my wonderful presents Grandma and Papa!

After dinner, we went to visit Great Grandma Wilma! 

Sophia really enjoyed her 3rd Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all...and to all a good night!

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