Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Fourth of July

 Sophia got all dressed up in her red, 
white, and blue for the holiday!

 We spent the day swimming and BBQing at
Mike and Mandy's in Alta Loma, Ca.

 Sophia and Olivia enjoyed each other's company...
playing with toys, swimming and jumping in the bouncy!

Sophia, Grace and Olivia took a dip in the 
jacuzzi after swimming to relax.

 Even Daddy jumped in!

 Once evening rolled around, we headed out to 
Greg and Jeanne's home in Fontana, Ca. for 
some good ol' fashion fireworks!

 The smoke bombs and snakes were favorites!

 Especially running through the colorful smoke!

Sophia enjoyed stomping on the Pop-Its!

Sophia held her first sparkler 
(with Daddy's help, of course!)  
Happy 4th of July!

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