Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Batman Caves and Ferndell at Griffith Park

 Daddy took us on an adventure...a hike up to 
the Batman Caves where the TV series was filmed!

Whoa! Dark! Ominous! Cool!

Sophia wasn't scared at all! She walked right into that cave!
(...with Daddy right by her side of course!)

 And we had to get our touristy shots in...

We took a play break on the apparatus 
before heading to our next adventure!

We found a hidden treasure of Los Angeles...Ferndell!

Sophia explored the shady tranquil trails along a babbling 
brook and watched the waterfalls from small bridges.


Then it was time to run around a bit and play in the sand!

A very fun and relaxing day exploring Griffith Park!

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