Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Snow Play in Lake Tahoe

Sophia and I took a road trip to South Lake Tahoe to spend 
a few days with my brother Joe and his three kids. 

It was Sophia's first experience in the snow
...and boy, did she enjoy herself!

That's one big snowball Leo! 
Annabella looks like she's getting armed and ready!

Our sad attempt at building a snowman.

Leo getting ready to go down the sledding trail!

Annabella and Sophia making their way back up the sled run!

Making snowballs seemed to be high priority!

Even Uncle Joe got in on the action!

Looks like Anthony was having a lot of fun too!

 Sophia had a blast with her cousins indoors as well!

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