Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Adventure City

Today we took Sophia to Adventure City in Buena Park, Ca.
Every ride there was tailored to Sophia's age and size!

Of course our ride was on the Carousel, followed by the bi-planes!

Next, she was zooming off on the roller coaster
with Daddy close by her side!

Sophia put her muscles to work when she 
powered her very own push train!

Then we took a trip around the park in a much 
larger choo choo...which was a lot less work too!

We stopped by the petting zoo to meet some of the local residents. 

We took a quick photo with Thomas the Train before
relaxing at the train depot for kids.

We got in a few more rides before we headed home...

It was the perfect sized day!

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