Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Disneyland and California Adventures

Today Sophia and her playgroup friends spent the day at 
Disneyland and the California Adventure Park. 
It was a little hectic with five moms and six kids, 
but we all had a blast!
Sophia loves Mickey Mouse and all his friends!

 Waiting in line for the rides...not the most fun, but at least she 
had her buddies, Miles, Ella, and Lukas, to hang out with!

Sophia experienced her first 3D thrill on the Toy Story ride.

After a few rides, the kids cooled off in 
It's A Bug's Life water play area.

PB & J sandwiches and fruit for lunch...that's the life!

Laughing with Miles...those two are as thick as thieves! 
So cute to watch them play together!

Flying Dumbo with Mommy.

Sophia and Lukas took Dumbo on a flight...
well, not really, but it made for a cute picture.

It's not a complete day at Disneyland without a 
vanilla ice cream cone to hit the spot!

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