Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Disneyland and California Adventures

Today Sophia and her playgroup friends spent the day at 
Disneyland and the California Adventure Park. 
It was a little hectic with five moms and six kids, 
but we all had a blast!
Sophia loves Mickey Mouse and all his friends!

 Waiting in line for the rides...not the most fun, but at least she 
had her buddies, Miles, Ella, and Lukas, to hang out with!

Sophia experienced her first 3D thrill on the Toy Story ride.

After a few rides, the kids cooled off in 
It's A Bug's Life water play area.

PB & J sandwiches and fruit for lunch...that's the life!

Laughing with Miles...those two are as thick as thieves! 
So cute to watch them play together!

Flying Dumbo with Mommy.

Sophia and Lukas took Dumbo on a flight...
well, not really, but it made for a cute picture.

It's not a complete day at Disneyland without a 
vanilla ice cream cone to hit the spot!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Keeping Cool at Grandma and Papa's House

Sophia beat the heat in the shade of a tree while 
she worked on her Elmo coloring book.

Sophia was very proud of her coloring master pieces!
After that, it was time for a dip in the kiddie pool!

Sophia enjoyed showing off her new bathing suit 
that Grandma and Papa gave her for her  2nd birthday!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sophia's 2nd Birthday Party with Elmo and Friends

We had lots of things for the kids to do...of course the Sesame Street 
jumper was the main attraction, but the children enjoyed the 
reading area, tent and tunnel, and the sidewalk chalk!

Even Elmo's friend Dorothy made an appearance.

Sophia's playgroup friends came early for some pre-party fun! 

Hello hugs for Ella, Lukas, and Miles.

The sidewalk chalk was a big hit!

"F" is for friends and family!

Andras, Uncle David, Baba, and Uncle Ron, hangin' out...
...and Sophia's Papa too!

"S" is for Sophia...

Elmo thinks Elmo looks good in fruit!

"L" is for lunch! 
Sophia shared some good food 
and even better conversation with her guests.

Sophia's cousin, Annabella, shares her grapes.

Daddy can finally relax and enjoy the party.

Elmo and Friends cupcakes!

"C" is for cupcakes...yummy!

Sophia blows out her birthday candle...Make a wish!

      Yeah!                                            Mmmmmmm!

Daddy and his buddies...
From Left to right...Greg, Uncle Joe, Daddy, Andras, and Mike.

More fun in the jumper!

Auntie Jennifer, her mother Joyce and her two daughters, 
Jaycie and Julie enjoyed a bite to eat in the shade.

"B" is for blowing bubbles with Shelly and Molly.

Is that Uncle Joe or Oscar the Grouch?

Sophia and her Cookie Monster cousins...
Leo, Anthony, and Annabella.

Jumping with Grandma, Uncle David, and Daddy
...oh, and Mickey Mouse.

"C" is for cookies...Me LOVE Cookies!

Thank you for celebrating my 2nd birthday with me!