Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Climbing, Exploring and Discovery at Kidspace Children's Museum

The Raindrop Climber

Sophia and Daddy climbed all the way to the top!

Riding, climbing, and sliding in Kirby's Kids' Corner.

A walk through Willow Terrace with Daddy.

Sophia stops to smell a flower in the Bee and Butterfly Garden.

Rock climbing with Daddy and playing in the Root Wad playground.

We found turtles and waterfalls in The Wildlife Pond.

Flowers greeted us in the gardens as we walked along the paths.

Sophia discovered electricity in the Kaleidoscope tunnel.

And of course, no trip would be complete without a
souvenir stick to bring home!

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