Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Salon Beautiful!

We had some extra time to pass before night night, so we blew out Sophia's hair for the first time to see how long it has grown. She was thrilled...and stood still long enough for me to do it!

Sophia kept looking at herself in the mirror...ha!

Who's that glamour girl?!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

All dressed up for Easter Sunday!

Cuddling up with Great Grandma and Annabella.

Sophia's cousins Annabella, Anthony, and Leo.

After opening Easter baskets, we went outside for some fun.
My brother, Joe, showing Anthony how to fly his new airplane.

Sophia...Sittin' Pretty

Nana surprised the kids with kites in their baskets...
it was Sophia's first time flying a kite. She's a natural!

After dinner, the kids went on an Easter egg hunt!



Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Calling Baba and Nana

Sophia has quite the imagination! Here she is on her 
"cell phone" having a conversation with Baba and Nana.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs

Today we went to Grandma and Grandpa Grimm's house to dye Easter eggs.  Sophia's friend, Olivia, and her mommy came over for a play date and some Easter egg fun.

Some light reading to the baby before Sophia's friend Olivia arrives.

Olivia and Sophia

Grandma showed Sophia how to dip the eggs into the dye.

Once Sophia got the hang of it, we couldn't keep 
the eggs coming fast enough!

Mandy and Olivia

It looks good in this picture, but two seconds later that 
same egg, and every other egg, dropped 
onto the coffee table...CRACK!

The finished products and a few stained fingers.

After the eggs dried, the girls decorated them with stickers.

Mommy helped me too!

Then play time resumed...

Sophia changing her baby's diaper.

The girls had so much fun chasing each other, 
playing, and getting messy.
It was a fun filled day for those two...and for us adults too!