Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Trimming the Tree at Grandma's House

Today we spent the day helping Grandma and 
Grandpa Grimm decorate their house for Christmas.
We started with the Christmas tree...
Grandma showed Sophia how to hang the ornaments 
on the tree as Sophia watched with wonder. 

This one should go....right here...

Look at all the pretty ornaments Mom! 

Even the side table dog got into the Christmas spirit!

Sophia was very intrigued by the wooden choo choo train 
Grandma asked her to set up in front of the fireplace.

Phew!  ...all this decorating really poops a girl out!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fishing at Prado Regional Park

This morning we took Sophia on a fishing trip 
to Prado Regional Park in Chino, CA.

The lake was beautiful and the wildlife was amazing!

This Turkey Vulture flew pretty low overhead!

Daddy showed Sophia how to bait the hook 
and attach the float to the fishing line.

Then it was time to cast the line!

Within 10 minutes, Sophia had already caught her first fish!

What a beauty!

Sophia caught two trout today! I think she's "hooked" on fishing!
Daddy was so proud of his budding fisherman daughter!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Miniature Golfing

The day after Thanksgiving, we met up with my brother 
Joe and the kids for a friendly game of mini golf.

We had some real pro golfers in the bunch!

Sophia observed carefully before taking her turn.

Daddy helped Sophia line up the ball and take her first shot! 

After a few holes, she really got the hang of it!

Of course Uncle Joe and Daddy had money riding on the game!

Looks like we may have a future golf pro on our hands!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

We spent Thanksgiving morning at Grandma and 
Grandpa D'Errico's house.  Sophia got to hang out with 
her cousins, Anthony, Annabella, and Leo.

Nana cooking in the kitchen...
and the gang around the table (Mommy not pictured).

 After breakfast it was time for a game of football in the backyard.

Sophia saw how much fun the boys were
having and decided to join in!

 Then it was back inside for some rest and relaxation!

Phew...all that turkey and football really poops a girl out!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Great Grandma's 89th Birthday

Today was Great Grandma Wilma's 89th birthday! 
We surprised her with flowers and balloons!

Sophia had lots of cuddles and hugs for 
Great Grandma on her very special day!

The WHOLE family surprised Great Grandma with a party!

 The grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Happy Birthday To You... 

Sophia helped Great Grandma blow out her candles! 


Great Grandma got lots of nice cards and gifts! 

Sophia helped Great Grandma open her gifts.

Look what I got you Great Grandma...lipsticks! 

Happy 89th Birthday Great Grandma!