Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Making a Splash!

Well, it's that time of year again...time to bring out the plastic pools for some water play! Well, at least until the real pool is ready.

What's a day by the pool without a popsicle?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pirate Playground

Pasadena launched a new pirate-themed public playground this month adjacent to the Rose Bowl.  We couldn't wait to go check it out! The entire apparatus looks like a real pirate ship with canons, flags and maps to hidden treasures! I wish we had playgrounds like this when I was a kid...not that you won't catch me on a slide or swing now and then...tee, hee.

Sophia climbing the ladder up the side of the pirate ship.

Nothing goes unexplored!

Sophia and Daddy climbed all the way to the top!

Riding the Swashbuckler with Ella and Miles.

Sophia loves to swing!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Drumming with Daddy

Sophia just loves the drum she got for Christmas! She plays with it and all the instruments every day! She loves to make "music"!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sophia Masters the Tricycle

With a little encouragement from Daddy and a lot of practice...Sophia mastered the tricycle at 21 months! Maybe those pigtails made her more aerodynamic?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Go Cowgirl Go!

Just another fun day at Grandma and Grandpa Grimm's house! I forgot Sophia's hat, but Grandma was right there with the solution! And boy did Sophia enjoy that hat! Funny how the simplest things can keep an active toddler happy.

Preparing for her race down the driveway!

Woooooo, hoooooo!!!!!!

Sophia and her Winnie the Pooh car...and cowgirl hat of course.

Okay Grandma, set me up again!

Oh yeah, this is the way to travel!

Played a little catch with Grandma on the lawn.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nana's Birthday

Tonight we went out to dinner to celebrate Nana's birthday.  Sophia designed one of her signature birthday cards for Nana and bought her a gift certificate to her favorite clothing store.

Birthday hugs and kisses for Nana.

Sophia pointed out something interesting to Baba (Grandpa D'Errico).

After Sophia's bath Nana read her a few stories on the couch.

Happy Birthday Nana!