Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sophia's First Trip to the Los Angeles Zoo

 Thank you Auntie Wendy for inviting us to the zoo! Sophia enjoyed spending the day with her cousins and meeting so many new animals! 

Sophia was mesmerized by the very animated seal!
She couldn't take her eyes off of him!

Sophia with her cousins Anthony and Annabella.

Sophia meets a goat for the first time.

Sophia, Leo and Annabella

Sophia gives the goat a little love before we move 
on to another part of the zoo.

Sophia and Mommy by the flamingo enclosure.

Daddy teaches Sophia all about the giraffes.

Anthony, Sophia and Mommy...on our way out.

What a fun day! 
We can't wait to go back again to see all the animals!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Hi! Happy Valentine's Day!

Playing at the park.

Daddy gave Sophia a balloon and pink hippo for Valentine's Day!

Sophia lounging with her new hippo.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sophia's Playgroup Friends

I joined the Mom's Club of Pasadena when Sophia was only six months old. We get together with Sophia's playgroup, The Boogie Bambinos, every Thursday. We rotate meeting at each other's homes or plan an outing if the weather is nice.  This coming Thursday we will be meeting at the Huntington Library...really looking forward to it!

Pictured above are some of Sophia's playmates. From left to right...Lukas, Sophia, Charlie, Ella and Miles.