Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Craig's Aunt and Uncle's home in Alta Loma.  Sophia's first Christmas Eve and she was the center of attention. Craig's family really spoiled her!

Sophia and Grandma Grimm

Giggling at the table with Daddy.

Craig's cousins and Grandmother.

Great Grandma, Erika and Sophia

Erika was so good with Sophia...they played all night!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Smiling with Santa

Sophia took her first picture with Santa Claus.
She did a great job...never even fussed once!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Craig's First Father's Day

Today we celebrated Father's Day at our place. Since Sophia wasn't really going anywhere anytime soon, everyone came to us. 

The Grandmas fussed over the baby.

We barbecued lunch.

Uncle Joe and the kids came over too.

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Four Generations

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 5 ~ Sophia's First Bath

Sleeping soundly.

In an attempt to keep her umbilical cord dry, Sophia got a quick 
sponge bath in the kitchen sink...she did not enjoy it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 4 ~ Sophia Comes Home

On the fourth day of her life, Sophia is able to leave the hospital and come home.  Craig and I were so excited and a lot nervous!

Not so happy about being weighed.

Uncle David here to help.

Leaving the hospital.

All snuggled up in her car seat for her first car ride home.
