Sophia's Journey to Three Years Old!

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bike Riding at the Rock Park

Sophia keeps asking to take the training wheels off, 
but I think we'll be waiting a few more months...
she's a real dare devil!

Daddy is always there to lend a helping hand :)

Friday, August 31, 2012

Aquarium of the Pacific

Spent the day at the Aquarium of the Pacific and 
Sophia came nose to nose with some very interesting creatures.

Sophia touched and held her first jellyfish! 

Sophia learned all about the different species that live in the sea. 

The touch pools were a hit with Sophia! 
The water was freezing, but it didn't keep her 
from touching every living creature she could reach!

More love for the jellyfish. 

Sophia was amazed and a little frightened by the sharks!

Sophia fed nectar to the friendly lorikeets. 

A quick high five to a starfish on our way to the next exhibit!

Posing for a photo with Daddy...

then right back to observing the many fish. 

An exciting day in Long Beach learning about 
aquatic life and new and interesting sea creatures.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dressing up for Great Grandma

 Just for Great Grandma, Sophia dressed 
up in one of her ballet costumes and
showed up for a surprise visit...
Great Grandma was thrilled! 

On our way out, Sophia made us aware of our shadows...
Photo Opt! 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Life's A Beach!

We took a ride up the coast and landed at Topanga Beach.

Making sandcastles occupied Sophia's 
attention most of the morning. 

Sophia splashed and played in the waves with Dadddy...

threw rocks into the sea... 

and watched the seagulls and pelican fly overhead.

A fun day filled with sand, sun and laughter!